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Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Film Genres

my expectation for a horror film is that the characters will either be scared of something haunting them, trying to defeat something that is haunting them or they will be the ones who are haunting someone. i also expect many personalities within the characters. for example, there is normally a dumb one who always acts stupid. There is normally a smart one who ends up dying first because they think nothing is happening. There is normally one who survives but ends up being scared for life. 

I expect the location to be somewhere dark and abandoned, or anywhere dark. i also expect the location to include some history to why it is scary.

I expect the beginning of the film to be calm without anything scary happening because that will give everyone a clear idea of what the background is. The middle of the film normally consists of the haunting happening or when something scary happens. this could be anything from someone just following someone in the street to something paranormal happening in the house. I expect the end to show what happens once they manage to control whatever was haunting them or manage to get rid of anything/anyone that was scaring them. for example, The Woman In Black is a great example because the beginning of the film is calm and nothing scary happens. then in the middle the woman in black starts to scare the man who lives in the house. the end is the man dying with his son so he can be with his wife again which shows that the scary situation has finished. 

i expect the character types to be either people who don't know each other at the start, or childhood friends who later on find out they love each other. 
i expect the typical location to be romantic locations such as parks, restaurants, candle light dinners, cinemas, holidays abroad or across the country and romantic walks. i expect parks because normally in romantic films they go on a date and afterwords
for the story line, i expect the beginning to involve two people who meet randomly in a bar or at a different location, and for them to get to know each other. i expect the middle to be them falling in love and going out to many different locations to show their love. however, i also expect something dramatic to happen. i expect the end of the film to show the lovers getting back together and living happily together. for example, in the film Dear John, he finds this girls house because he found a picture of her when he was at war. he then tells her he knew her fiancee who was killed in the war. he then falls in love with her and she falls in love with him. later on, she finds out that he didn't actually know her fiancee and he just wanted to find the girl. she hates him, he tried his best to reconnect with her then they fall in love again after she forgives him. 

i expect the characters to be mainly male and for the males to be good looking. i also expect there to be a bag guy and someone who wants to solve a mission. i think they would mainly be male because action normally includes fighting, lots of fast action and maybe fast cars.
i expect the typical location to be somewhere where there is objects that people can hide behind or an area that has lots of space. i think these are typical locations because there is always action happening within the film. i think the spacious area would be ideal for the action genre because it allows them to be active within the film. having buildings as a location will allow the characters to run around and perform stunts within the building.
i expect the story line to be normal at the start, then during the middle i expect the characters to fight or have to solve a problem through lots of action, fast cars, or fighting. during the middle i expect the characters to figure out who is the bag guy is. in the end i expect the problem to be solved and i expect all the bad characters to be gone/dealt with. 

Science-Fiction (sci-fi)
i expcet the characters to be smart and mainly men. this is because i expect sci-fi films to be scientific and most scientists are male.
i expect the typical location to be anywhere that is educational or animated/made up. i expect it to be somewhere educational because i expect them to be either learing something or teaching the audience without them knowing. i expect it to be animated or graphically designed because i expect them to make use the universe as their located to make them have unlimited location space. i also expect the location to be made up because they could be talking about something that isnt real so they would have a made up location to go with the story,
i dont expect the begining to be anything because each sci-fi film to be different. however, i expect each sci-fi film to be individual and different. this is because i expect them to be unique.


  1. Amee you have demonstrated a wide understanding of genre through this post. You have made references to appropriate examples to support your points. Well done! Please remember to use a capital 'I' when referring to yourself.

  2. Amee you have demonstrated a wide understanding of genre through this post. You have made references to appropriate examples to support your points. Well done! Please remember to use a capital 'I' when referring to yourself.
